Thursday, January 29, 2009

Update: Sri Lanka

The military in Sri Lanka are celebrating a victory over the Tamil Tigers (LTTE). While I don't have any kind of sympathy for the Tigers - they have been employing terrorist methods, child soldier, enslaved the population etc, I think their reasons for fighting, their grievances are justified. If the government, from a position of military power is benign and gives the Tamils freedom and equality, there is a chance of peace. If they come down on them as Singalese superiors, then the war will be prolonged, and that perhaps in a very bloody guerilla and city terrorist kind of war.

If these things were not enough, parliament is considering a bill, that will make conversion illegal. It is a bill against unethical conversion. This really means that people who are being converted by promises of financial gain will become illegal. However the Christians are so poor generally, that this is not a reality. In actual fact the bill will turn out to make evangelism of any kind illegal.
Everything in Sri Lanka society is geared to the Buddhist prejudice. This makes things very difficult for the Christians.
On 22nd January they had a day of fasting and held an open prayer meeting to pray that the bill would not become law.

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