Thursday, February 21, 2013

Concrete Dam in Mbeere, Kenia

Bob and Hope Organization of Germany a huge thank you for partnering with us in giving the Mbeere People a Concrete Dam that was able to trap water that will provide water to the community until next rainy season..The leaders of our Ithera Christian Centre who are the managers of the massive Dam told me that they were able to put fish into the Dam as a business venture and the results are awesome, the community is now buying fish alongside fetching water..This is the gospel that is tangible! Edward Buria

Monday, February 04, 2013

A School in Lodja (DRC)

Lodja is just about the geographic centre of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was once quite a well-to-do city, bustling with life. However during the last 15 year three different armies marched through the city, leaving devastation behaind them. Rape, pillage and destruction was their legacy. A great number of the population to refuge in the jungle. Only during the last three years have they finally started to return.
Society has been devastated. All the factories have closed down. Communication with the outside world is difficult. Once you leave the city limits the road ar impassable. Hordes of children wander from one extended family to the other. Parents often have alcohol problems and cannot give their children any kind of example.
Pierre-Albert and Beatrice Ngueliele oved from Bussels  to Lodja a number of years ago. They went to do a classical missions ministry. However the problems they met changed their outlook. The market was empty of any vegatables und basic commodoties were head to get. People -Christians- sat around hoping that God was going to change things and through a miracle everything would change.
Pierre-Albert began to teach the people that if they didn't put seeds in the ground, there would be no harvest. God's provision was all around. People didn't respond too quickly to the message.
Although Nguelieles went to the Congo with lots of promises of support from people, this support never actually materialized. However they have built a primary school and been able to give around 200 children hope for the future.
HOPE has joined them and helped to provide new desks and benches and at Christmas we provide the pupils with new uniforms.
The first batch of pupils will leave the primary school soon and we want to build a secondary school. This will have three grades and two classes in each grade - the capacity for 180 - 240 children. We hope that we can help to really make a difference in Lodja and invite you to stand with us and support this worthy project.
Women carrying water cans to provide for their families

Friday, February 01, 2013

Tailoring training in Pakistan

Trainee tailors and dressmakers in Pakistan
An exciting project that we are starting is called ARTISTIC HANDS. 15 women from extreme poor backgrounds will begin training durch February 2013. The training continues for 12 months and after sucessful completion of the course, the participants will be in a postion to earn their own livings and also that of their families.
The target group as discribed by our Pakistani partnersare: widows, poor and needy, orphan young ladies, dull and over aged girls, prostitute ladies.After six months the women start earning money and this goes to pay for the sewing machines which they may take with them after they finish the course.
This is a real oportunity to empower people in poverty to rise up and take their future into their own hands. 

News from Kenya

It is with great joy that we received the news from Kenya that they have been able to distribute 150 pairs of shoe took place yesterday. Besides the shoes they are presented the pupils with socks and a number of lockers were brought to the school for the children to use. A number of these pupils must walk long distances to school and sometimes they do that barefoot.
It is moving to know that the children are given breakfast at 6,30 am and during the day they also get lunch. Most of them wont have anything to eat later in the day.
Education is a key factor to bringing the children out of poverty.

We are so glad that we are able to partner with EDFRI International, who's headquarters are in Meru, Kenya.
Children get their new shoes

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