Monday, February 09, 2009

Back from the dead

After arriving back home from Africa, life began its normal routine. However after two days, I began feel ill. I vistied my doctor and we though that I had picked up the influzena that is going around.
However at the weekend, my temperature rose to over 40°C. Not really anyone could help us until we manaaged to see a doctor with tropical training. He had me rushed into the nearest largest hospital. By this time four days had past si.ce the first sysmptoms had been visible.
The doctors had now diagnosed me with malaria tropica. I was very sick. We had left it too last and the hospitial didn't have everything to help the speedist recoverery - except an extremely dedicated staff.
It was discovered that I a second strain and that the medicine wasn't working as well as was hoped.
A second lot was added and I began to doubt that I would make it.
The doctors were doing everything they could, but things were getting worse. In the meanwhile friends started a worldwide prayer chain and people were praying all over the world.
Praise the Lord!
Slowly the turnaround came. I thought, I wasn't going to make it. But God had other plans.
On Friday morning the doctor came to tell me that I was nearly through.
Finally, today, Monday morning the doctor allowed me as healed to go home.
I am still very weak and cannot write very much more. I did however really experienced God during my last night in the hospital.

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