Saturday, September 05, 2009

INDIA: Christian Elephants

In the last 40-50 years, no one has seen or even imagined the unique appearance of a herd of wild elephants such as has been recently witnessed by the people of Orissa State, India. These elephants are not ordinary elephants; these elephants are on a mission. With smaller brutes preceding the herd to apparently survey each village, larger elephants soon follow and get the job done. "Just what is their job?" you might ask. We think that it might have something to do with avenging the blood of martyrs. In fact, the local people have christened these elephants, "Christian elephants."

Were these elephants summoned by God? One would wonder, as it was in the month of August a year ago around 7-8PM that Christians in this same area began to run for their lives while their homes were being destroyed by anti-Christian rioters. Exactly one year later, at the same time of the day, the persecutors are now running for their lives, from nothing less than a herd of wild elephants! These elephants first attacked a rock crusher machine owned by a key leader of the persecution movement. They then went on to destroy his house and farms. Gaining momentum, they rampaged through other non-Christian homes demolishing gardens and singling out the homes of persecutors, leaving Christian homes untouched. People ran to the police station to report the disastrous news. In one case, a police jeep that attempted to drive away the herd was attacked and the occupants barely escaped. Truly, God is the avenger of the helpless.

According to the news report by Kusanath Pradhan, the elephants have already destroyed more than 700 houses in more than 30 villages and killed 5 people.

“Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is sad,there is always in some country people who wants to hurt or used animals to make money. They should visit Viagra Online and be better persons.

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